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No thumbnailZasady nauki artylleryi.Kosiński, Józef Jan.Nowe Druki1820
No thumbnailZasady nauki artylleryi.Kosiński, Józef JanNowe Druki1820
No thumbnailDie Artillerie für alle Waffen oder Lehrbuch der gesammten reiner und ausübenden Feld- und Belagerungs- Artilleriewissenschaft.DECKER, Carl von (1784-1844).Nowe Druki1826.
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Rozkazy dzienne, raporty, wykazy stanu osobowego, effektów itd. oddziałów 3 dyw. jazdy i 2 korpusu jazdy gen. T. Łubieńskiego od 11. II. - 30. VI. 1831.Dłuski Michał pułk.; Duibowski gen.; Jauronicz? ppułk.; Jerzmanowski ppor. Pułku 14; Kobuszewski ppor.; Lewiński Jakub Walenty gen.; Łubieński Tomasz gen.; Lutomski B. kpt. dca 2 Bat. 14 Pułku Piechoty; Mroziński Józef gen.; Napiórkowski komisarz woj.; Oborski dca Jazdy legii Litewsko-Wołyńskiej; Podbielski Andrzej kpt gwardii; Ruthier Andrzej zob. Ruttie Andrzej, gen.; Rutie Andrzej zob. Ruttie Andrzej gen.; Rutier Andrzej zob. Ruttie Andrzej gen.; Ruttie Andrzej gen.; Stryjeński? Z. gen.; Weyssenhoff Jan gen.Rękopisy1831
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Aide-memoire a l'usage des officiers d'artillerie.Nowe Druki1844.
No thumbnailDie Kriegsfeuerwerkerei der Preußischen Artillerie : nach dem jetzigen Standpunkte der Artillerie-Wissenschaft und Technik /BUSCH, Wilhelm.; Hoffmann, C.Nowe Druki1851.
No thumbnailOn the physical conditions involved in the construction of artillery : with an investigation of the relative and absolute values of the materials principally employed, and of some hitherto unexplained causes of the destruction of cannon in service /MALLET, Robert (1810-1881).Nowe Druki1856.
No thumbnailQuestions and answers on artillery : specially for the use of the militia artillery /BURN, Colonel.Nowe Druki1859.
No thumbnailOrdnance, and tools for Rifling the same [...] /PARSONS, Perceval Moses.Nowe Druki1862.
No thumbnailCourse of artillery, geomatrical drawing and fortification : compiled for the use of the Royal Military College Sandhurst.PORTLOCK, J. E.Nowe Druki1862.
No thumbnailTreatise on the comparative merits of a rifle gun and rotary rocket : considered as a mechanical means of ensuring a correct line of flight to a body impelled through space /HALE, William.Nowe Druki1863.
No thumbnailGuns versus armour plates : a practical treatise on great guns, shewing the defects of some of the recent systems, and demonstrating the efficiency of a new method of constructing guns capable of penetrating armour plates [...] /PARSONS, Perceval Moses.Nowe Druki1863.
No thumbnailErörterungen über die verschiedenen Zündersysteme der Artillerie und ihre Anwendung auf die beiden preussischen Geschützsysteme /SCHMÖLKE, E.Nowe Druki1864.
No thumbnailA treatise on ordnance and armor : embracing descriptions, discussions, and professional opinions concerning the material, fabrication, requirements, capabilities, and endurance of European and American guns for naval, sea-coast, and iron-clad warfare, and their rifling, projectiles and breech-loading /HOLLEY, Alexander Lyman (1832-1882).Nowe Druki1865.
No thumbnailThe principles and praktice of modern artillery : including artillery material, gunnery and organization and use of artillery in warfare /OWEN, C. H.Nowe Druki1871.
No thumbnailDie Schäden der Organisation der Preussischen Artillerie und Gedankten über deren Reorganisation /Nowe Druki1871.
No thumbnailArtillerie-Lehre : Theorie und Praxis der Geschoss- und der Zünder-Construction /RUTZKY, Andreas (1829-1896)Nowe Druki1871.
No thumbnailElementary Lectures an Artillery, prepared for the use of the Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal Military Academy /Dames, T. L.; OWEN, C.H.Nowe Druki1871 [rz.].
No thumbnailArtylerja /Nowe Druki1930-1931
No thumbnailArtylerja.Nowe Druki1930-1931