Sketch of the Encampment of the Ist. and 2nd. Division of British Troops under the Command of General Lord Raglan, G.C.B. also of the French. Turkish, and Egyptian Troops at Varna on the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession the 20th June, 1854 by Coll. Fredk. Wm. Hamilton, Grenadier Guards, 21st. June, 1854.

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  • Sygnatura: A V 026
  • Współautor: Jervis, Thomas Best
  • Tytuł: Sketch of the Encampment of the Ist. and 2nd. Division of British Troops under the Command of General Lord Raglan, G.C.B. also of the French. Turkish, and Egyptian Troops at Varna on the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession the 20th June, 1854 by Coll. Fredk. Wm. Hamilton, Grenadier Guards, 21st. June, 1854. by Captain A. P. Ryder H. M. S. Dauntless, March 1855.
  • Strefa wydania: Published by Authority of Principal Secretary od State for War [...], 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, and 20 South Frederick Street, Edinburgh and Sold by Messrs Williams and Norgate 1855
  • Skala: Scale of 1 Inch to 600 Paces
  • Opis fizyczny:
    • 1 ark.
    • 48x32,3 cm
  • Grafika: litogr. ręcznie kolor.
  • Proweniencja: "Topographical and Statistical Depot War Department" - [piecz. sucha]
  • Hasła przedmiotowe:
    • Varna, twierdza 1854 mapa wojskowa
    • Lefroy, John Henry
  • Uwagi:
    • Mapa podkl. na płótnie, złoż. w teczce o wym. 52,5x37,5 cm
    • Mapa zatwierdzona przez T. B. Jervisa
    • [Nr] 19.


  • 001 a Kórnik
  • 130 a Varna, twierdza d 1854 k mapa wojskowa
  • 243 a Mapy kapitana Johna Henry'ego Lefroya
  • 245 a Sketch of the Encampment of the Ist. and 2nd. Division of British Troops under the Command of General Lord Raglan, G.C.B. also of the French. Turkish, and Egyptian Troops at Varna on the anniversary of Her Majesty's accession the 20th June, 1854 by Coll. Fredk. Wm. Hamilton, Grenadier Guards, 21st. June, 1854. c by Captain A. P. Ryder H. M. S. Dauntless, March 1855.
  • 255 a Scale of 1 Inch to 600 Paces
  • 260 a Published by Authority of Principal Secretary od State for War [...], 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, and 20 South Frederick Street, Edinburgh b and Sold by Messrs Williams and Norgate c 1855 m Edinburgh w Williams and Norgate
  • 300 a 1 ark.
  • 300 c 48x32,3 cm
  • 500 a Mapa podkl. na płótnie, złoż. w teczce o wym. 52,5x37,5 cm
  • 500 a Mapa zatwierdzona przez T. B. Jervisa
  • 500 a [Nr] 19.
  • 541 c c d 2016 e 383
  • 561 a "Topographical and Statistical Depot War Department" - [piecz. sucha] w British War Office
  • 600 a Lefroy, John Henry
  • 611 a Wojna krymska 1853-1856
  • 700 a Jervis, Thomas Best
  • 852 j A V 026 n 7
  • 900 c litogr. ręcznie kolor. p Litographed at the Topographical and Statistical Depôt, War Department, Novr. 1855
  • 920 b pieczęć sucha d War Department - Topographical and Statistical Depot i "Topographical and Statistical Depot"
  • 999 a AF