Smith's illustrated astronomy, designed for the use of the public or common schools in the United States :
- Sygnatura: A III 093
- Współautor: Smith, Asa
- Tytuł: Smith's illustrated astronomy, designed for the use of the public or common schools in the United States : illustrated with numerous original diagrams / by Asa Smith ; Daniel Burgess and Co.
- Strefa wydania: New York Daniel Burgess & Co. 1854
- Skala: [Skala nieobliczona]
- Opis fizyczny: 71 s. : litogr. ; 29x23,5 cm
- Oprawa: okładka papier
- Zawartość:
- Orbits of the Planets and Comets s. 43.
- Tides, and Moon-light at the Poles s. 41.
- Greatest Number of Eclipses that can happen in a year s. 39.
- Inferior and Superior Planets. Heliocentric Longitude s. 37.
- Moon's Nodes. Inferior and Superior Conjunction s. 37.
- Eclipses s. 35.
- Telescopic view of the Old Moon s. 33.
- Telescopic view of the Full Moon s. 32.
- Telescopic view of the New Moon s. 30.
- Phases of the Moon. Apparent Magnitude of the Sun and Moon s. 28.
- Herschel and Leverrier s. 26.
- Saturn. Saturn's Rings and Moons s. 24.
- Mars and Jupiter. Telescopic Views s. 22.
- The Largest telescopes in the World k. okładka.
- Orrery, with a view of the Solar System in the back ground s. 6.
- Solar System and Comparative Magnitudes s. 8.
- Centripetal and Centrifugal force s. 10.
- The mean and True Place of a Planet s. 10.
- Circle Ellipse Concentric Circles Circles not in the same plane s. 10.
- Cut section of the Sun s. 12.
- Spots on the Sun s. 12.
- Transits to the year 1900 s. 12.
- Signs of the Zodiac s. 14.
- Mercury and Venus. Telescopic views. Venus Morning and Evening Star s. 16.
- Seasons Summer and Winter Rays, Equinoctial and Solstitial Points s. 20.
- Earth annd Definitions s. 18.
- Map of Visible Heavens, from November 1st to Jany 20th s. 67.
- Map of Visible Heavens, from July 22d to October 31st s. 63.
- Map of Visible Heavens, from April 18th to July 21st s. 59.
- Map of Visible Heavens, from January 21st to April 17th s. 55.
- Telescopic views of remarkable Nebulae and Clusters of Stars s. 51.
- A Perpendicular and an Oblique View of our own Cluster or Firmament s. 51.
- Binary Systems. Quadruple Stars s. 49.
- Terrestrial and Celestial Globes, and Milky-way s. 47.
- View of the Earth's Orbit, as seen from the nearest fixed Star s. 45.
- Refraction. Parallax Light and Heat s. 45.
- Grafika: Zodiak 9x7 cm k. 64 litogr.
- Proweniencja: "M. 783 a z" - [naklejka]
- Hasła przedmiotowe:
- Świat 1854 atlas astronomiczny
- Kepler, Johannes niem. astronom i matematyk ; (1571-1630)
- Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm niem. astronom, konstruktor teleskopów ; (1738-1822)
- Le Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph
- Parsons, William twórca teleskopu Lewiatan ; (1800-1867)
- Mars (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Mgławice atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Niebo atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Planety atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Pory roku atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Teleskop atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Układ słoneczny atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Wenus (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Gwiazdy atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Zaćmienia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Ziemia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Zodiak atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Jupiter (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Komety atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Księżyc atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Merkury (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Kartografia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Astronomia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Astronomia - urządzenia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Astronomowie atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Droga mleczna atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Saturn (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Słońce atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Świat w kartografii 19 w.
- Lewiatan - teleskop
- Rosse zob. Lewiatan
- Uwagi:
- Reklama na okładce: Daniel Burgess and Co.
- Brak: Ptolemaic System.
- Brak: Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from November 1st to January 20 th.
- Brak: Vague ideas of the Ancients respecting the Shape of the Earth.
- Druk dwuszpaltowy.
- 130 a Świat d 1854 k atlas astronomiczny
- 245 a Smith's illustrated astronomy, designed for the use of the public or common schools in the United States : b illustrated with numerous original diagrams / c by Asa Smith ; Daniel Burgess and Co.
- 250 a 13 ed.
- 255 a [Skala nieobliczona]
- 260 a New York b Daniel Burgess & Co. c 1854 k Stany Zjednoczone m New York w Daniel Burgess and Co.
- 300 a 71 s. : b litogr. ; c 29x23,5 cm
- 340 e okładka papier
- 400 a Kepler, Jan zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Kepler, Jean zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Kepler, Johann zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Keplerus, J. zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Keplerus, Jo. zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Keplerus, Joan zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Keplerus, Johannes zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Keplervs, Johannes zob. Kepler, Johannes
- 400 a Smith, A. zob. Smith Asa
- 400 a Herschel, Frederick William zob. Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm
- 400 a Herschel, William zob. Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm
- 490 a Tower's Series of School Books
- 500 a Reklama na okładce: Daniel Burgess and Co.
- 500 a Brak: Ptolemaic System.
- 500 a Brak: Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from November 1st to January 20 th.
- 500 a Brak: Vague ideas of the Ancients respecting the Shape of the Earth.
- 500 a Druk dwuszpaltowy.
- 505 a Orbits of the Planets and Comets s. 43.
- 505 a Tides, and Moon-light at the Poles s. 41.
- 505 a Greatest Number of Eclipses that can happen in a year s. 39.
- 505 a Inferior and Superior Planets. Heliocentric Longitude s. 37.
- 505 a Moon's Nodes. Inferior and Superior Conjunction s. 37.
- 505 a Eclipses s. 35.
- 505 a Telescopic view of the Old Moon s. 33.
- 505 a Telescopic view of the Full Moon s. 32.
- 505 a Telescopic view of the New Moon s. 30.
- 505 a Phases of the Moon. Apparent Magnitude of the Sun and Moon s. 28.
- 505 a Herschel and Leverrier s. 26.
- 505 a Saturn. Saturn's Rings and Moons s. 24.
- 505 a Mars and Jupiter. Telescopic Views s. 22.
- 505 a The Largest telescopes in the World k. okładka.
- 505 a Orrery, with a view of the Solar System in the back ground s. 6.
- 505 a Solar System and Comparative Magnitudes s. 8.
- 505 a Centripetal and Centrifugal force s. 10.
- 505 a The mean and True Place of a Planet s. 10.
- 505 a Circle Ellipse Concentric Circles Circles not in the same plane s. 10.
- 505 a Cut section of the Sun s. 12.
- 505 a Spots on the Sun s. 12.
- 505 a Transits to the year 1900 s. 12.
- 505 a Signs of the Zodiac s. 14.
- 505 a Mercury and Venus. Telescopic views. Venus Morning and Evening Star s. 16.
- 505 a Seasons Summer and Winter Rays, Equinoctial and Solstitial Points s. 20.
- 505 a Earth annd Definitions s. 18.
- 505 a Map of Visible Heavens, from November 1st to Jany 20th s. 67.
- 505 a Map of Visible Heavens, from July 22d to October 31st s. 63.
- 505 a Map of Visible Heavens, from April 18th to July 21st s. 59.
- 505 a Map of Visible Heavens, from January 21st to April 17th s. 55.
- 505 a Telescopic views of remarkable Nebulae and Clusters of Stars s. 51.
- 505 a A Perpendicular and an Oblique View of our own Cluster or Firmament s. 51.
- 505 a Binary Systems. Quadruple Stars s. 49.
- 505 a Terrestrial and Celestial Globes, and Milky-way s. 47.
- 505 a View of the Earth's Orbit, as seen from the nearest fixed Star s. 45.
- 505 a Refraction. Parallax Light and Heat s. 45.
- 520 a Kepler's Laws s. 11.
- 520 a Przedmowa ; Objaśnienia s. 5.
- 520 a Introduction to Astronomy s. 7.
- 520 a Astronomy, Solar System, and c. s. 9.
- 520 a Diameters, Magnitudes, Distances and Revolutions of the Sun and Planets s. 9.
- 520 a Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces s. 11.
- 520 a Mean and True Place of a Planet - Aphelion and Perihelion s. 11.
- 520 a Mean and True Motion of a Planet s. 11.
- 520 a The Sun ; Spots on the Sun s. 13.
- 520 a Transits of Mercury and Venus s. 13.
- 520 a Zodiac ; Constellations of the Zodiac s. 15.
- 520 a Apparent Motion of the Sun ia the Heavens s. 15.
- 520 a Signs of the Ecliptic, and c. s. 15.
- 520 a The Planet Mercury s. 17.
- 520 a The Planet Venus s. 17.
- 520 a Seasons at Venus, Phases, and c. s. 17.
- 520 a Earth, Definitions and c. s. 19.
- 520 a Earth and Seasons, equinoxes, and c. s. 21.
- 520 a The Planet Mars s. 23.
- 520 a The Planet Jupiter s. 23.
- 520 a The Planet Saturn s. 25.
- 520 a The Planet Herschel, or Uranos s. 27.
- 520 a The Planet Leverrier, or Neptune s. 27.
- 520 a The Moon ; Phases of the Moon s. 29.
- 520 a The Moon - (continued) - Physical Constitution of the Moon s. 29.
- 520 a Eclipses s. 34.
- 520 a Moon's Nodes, Inferior and Superior Conjuction s. 36.
- 520 a Inferior and Superior Planets s. 36.
- 520 a Greatest Number of Eclipses in a Year s. 38.
- 520 a Tides s. 40.
- 520 a Orbits of the Planets and Comets ; Comets s. 42.
- 520 a Atmosphere s. 44.
- 520 a Refraction s. 44.
- 520 a Parallax s. 44.
- 520 a Light and Heat s. 44.
- 520 a Terrestrial and Celestial Globes s. 46.
- 520 a General Definiotions respecting the Globes s. 46.
- 520 a Fixed Stars ; Distance to the nearest Fixed Star s. 48.
- 520 a Our own Cluster or Firmament of Stars, Motions of the Stars, Multiple Stars, Binary Systems s. 48.
- 520 a Nebulae, Number, Distance, and c. s. 50.
- 520 a An Explanation of Leap Year s. 56.
- 520 a Equation of Time s. 56.
- 520 a Problems on the Terrestrial Globe s. 68-69.
- 520 a Problems on the Celestial Globe s. 69.
- 520 a Glossary or Explanation of Astronomical Terms s. 70-71.
- 520 a Description and use of the sidereal maps s. 52.
- 520 a Explanations, showing the manner of using the maps s. 52.
- 520 a Directions for finding the north star, at any time s. 52.
- 520 a Description of the Constellations visible from January 21st to April 17th s. 54.
- 520 a Principal constellations visible, from January 21 to April 17 s. 53.
- 520 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from April 18 th to July 21 st s. 58.
- 520 a Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from April 18th to july 21st s. 57.
- 520 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from July 22d to October 31st st s. 62.
- 520 a Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from July 22d to October 31st s. 65.
- 520 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from November 1st to January 20th s. 66.
- 541 c st. zas.
- 546 a Ang.
- 561 a "M. 783 a z" - [naklejka] d M. 783 a z
- 600 a Kepler, Johannes c niem. astronom i matematyk ; d (1571-1630)
- 600 a Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm c niem. astronom, konstruktor teleskopów ; d (1738-1822)
- 600 a Le |Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph
- 600 a Parsons, William c twórca teleskopu Lewiatan ; d (1800-1867)
- 650 a Mars (astr.) x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Mgławice x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Niebo x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Planety x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Pory roku x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Teleskop x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Układ słoneczny x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Wenus (astr.) x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Gwiazdy x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Zaćmienia x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Ziemia x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Zodiak x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Jupiter (astr.) x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Komety x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Księżyc x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Merkury (astr.) x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Kartografia x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Astronomia x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Astronomia - urządzenia x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Astronomowie x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Droga mleczna x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Saturn (astr.) x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 650 a Słońce x atlasy astronomiczne y 19 w.
- 651 a Świat x w kartografii y 19 w.
- 653 a Lewiatan - teleskop
- 653 a Rosse zob. Lewiatan
- 700 a Smith, Asa
- 710 a Daniel Burgess and Co. c wydawca
- 740 a Problems on the |Celestial Globe
- 740 a Glossary or Explanation of Astronomical Terms
- 740 a Description and use of the sidereal maps
- 740 a Explanations, showing the manner of using the maps
- 740 a Directions for finding the north star, at any time
- 740 a Description of the Constellations visible from January 21st to April 17th
- 740 a Principal constellations visible, from January 21 to April 17
- 740 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from April 18 th to July 21 st
- 740 a Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from April 18th to july 21st
- 740 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from July 22d to October 31st st
- 740 a Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from July 22d to October 31st
- 740 a Descriptions of the Constellations visible from November 1st to January 20th
- 740 a Problems on the Terrestrial Globe
- 740 a Introduction to Astronomy
- 740 a Astronomy, |Solar System, and c.
- 740 a Diameters, Magnitudes, Distances and Revolutions of the Sun and Planets
- 740 a Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces
- 740 a Kepler's Laws
- 740 a Mean and True Place of a Planet - Aphelion and Perihelion
- 740 a Mean and True Motion of a Planet
- 740 a The ||Sun ; Spots on the Sun
- 740 a Transits of |Mercury and |Venus
- 740 a Zodiac ; Constellations of the Zodiac
- 740 a Apparent Motion of the Sun ia the Heavens
- 740 a Signs of the |Ecliptic, and c.
- 740 a The ||Planet Mercury
- 740 a The ||Planet Venus
- 740 a Seasons at Venus, Phases, and c.
- 740 a Earth, Definitions and c.
- 740 a Earth and |Seasons, equinoxes, and c.
- 740 a The ||Planet Mars
- 740 a The ||Planet Jupiter
- 740 a The ||Planet Saturn
- 740 a The ||Planet Herschel, or Uranos
- 740 a The ||Planet Leverrier, or Neptune
- 740 a The ||Moon |Phases of the Moon
- 740 a The ||Moon - (continued) - Physical Constitution of the Moon
- 740 a Eclipses
- 740 a Moon's Nodes, Inferior and Superior Conjuction
- 740 a Inferior and Superior Planets
- 740 a Greatest Number of Eclipses in a Year
- 740 a Tides
- 740 a Orbits of the Planets and Comets ; Comets
- 740 a Atmosphere
- 740 a Refraction
- 740 a Parallax
- 740 a Light and Heat
- 740 a Terrestrial and Celestial Globes
- 740 a General Definiotions respecting the Globes
- 740 a Fixed Stars ; Distance to the nearest Fixed Star
- 740 a Our own Cluster or Firmament of Stars, Motions of the Stars, Multiple Stars, Binary Systems
- 740 a Nebulae, Number, Distance, and c.
- 740 a An ||Explanation of |Leap Year
- 740 a Equation of Time
- 830 a Tower's Series of School Books
- 852 j A III 093
- 900 c Zodiak f 9x7 cm k k. 64 m litogr. s Zodiacal Light
- 999 a MKM d 17.07.17
- Sygnatura: A III 093
- Autor (Twórca):
- Daniel Burgess and Co.
- Herschel, Frederick William zob. Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Herschel, William zob. Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm
- Kepler, Jan zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Kepler, Jean zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Kepler, Johann zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Keplerus, Joan zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Keplerus, Johannes zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Keplerus, Jo. zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Keplerus, J. zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Keplervs, Johannes zob. Kepler, Johannes
- Smith, Asa
- Smith, A. zob. Smith Asa
- Tytuł/nazwa obiektu :
- Apparent Motion of the Sun ia the Heavens
- Astronomy,
- Atmosphere
- Celestial Globe
- Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces
- Description and use of the sidereal maps
- Description of the Constellations visible from January 21st to April 17th
- Descriptions of the Constellations visible from April 18 th to July 21 st
- Descriptions of the Constellations visible from July 22d to October 31st st
- Descriptions of the Constellations visible from November 1st to January 20th
- Diameters, Magnitudes, Distances and Revolutions of the Sun and Planets
- Directions for finding the north star, at any time
- Earth and
- Earth, Definitions and c.
- Eclipses
- Ecliptic, and c.
- Equation of Time
- Explanation of
- Explanations, showing the manner of using the maps
- Fixed Stars ; Distance to the nearest Fixed Star
- General Definiotions respecting the Globes
- Glossary or Explanation of Astronomical Terms
- Greatest Number of Eclipses in a Year
- Inferior and Superior Planets
- Introduction to Astronomy
- Kepler's Laws
- Leap Year
- Light and Heat
- Mean and True Motion of a Planet
- Mean and True Place of a Planet - Aphelion and Perihelion
- Mercury and
- Moon
- Moon - (continued) - Physical Constitution of the Moon
- Moon's Nodes, Inferior and Superior Conjuction
- Nebulae, Number, Distance, and c.
- Orbits of the Planets and Comets ; Comets
- Our own Cluster or Firmament of Stars, Motions of the Stars, Multiple Stars, Binary Systems
- Parallax
- Phases of the Moon
- Planet Herschel, or Uranos
- Planet Jupiter
- Planet Leverrier, or Neptune
- Planet Mars
- Planet Mercury
- Planet Saturn
- Planet Venus
- Principal constellations visible, from January 21 to April 17
- Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from April 18th to july 21st
- Principal Stars visible, and Times for Observation, from July 22d to October 31st
- Problems on the
- Problems on the Terrestrial Globe
- Refraction
- Seasons at Venus, Phases, and c.
- Seasons, equinoxes, and c.
- Signs of the
- Smith's illustrated astronomy, designed for the use of the public or common schools in the United States : illustrated with numerous original diagrams /
- Solar System, and c.
- Sun ; Spots on the Sun
- Terrestrial and Celestial Globes
- Tides
- Transits of
- Venus
- Zodiac ; Constellations of the Zodiac
- Wydawca: Daniel Burgess and Co.
- Indeks instytucji : Daniel Burgess and Co.
- Miejsce: New York
- Data: 1854
- Język: Ang.
- Osoby :
- Indeks rzeczowy :
- Astronomia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Astronomia - urządzenia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Astronomowie atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Droga mleczna atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Gwiazdy atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm niem. astronom, konstruktor teleskopów ; (1738-1822)
- Jupiter (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Kartografia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Kepler, Johannes niem. astronom i matematyk ; (1571-1630)
- Komety atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Księżyc atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Le
- Lewiatan - teleskop
- Mars (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Merkury (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Mgławice atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Niebo atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Parsons, William twórca teleskopu Lewiatan ; (1800-1867)
- Planety atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Pory roku atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Rosse zob. Lewiatan
- Saturn (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Słońce atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Świat w kartografii 19 w.
- Teleskop atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Układ słoneczny atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph
- Wenus (astr.) atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Zaćmienia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Ziemia atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Zodiak atlasy astronomiczne 19 w.
- Indeks geograficzny: