- Universae historiae cum sacrae tum profanae 1
- Universae Historiae Sui Temporis Libri Triginta Ab anno salutis nostrae 1545. usque ad annum 1581. Cum duobus Indicibus Laurentij Gottij civis Veneti: Altero antiquorum & recentium nominum variorum locorum, provinciarum, fluviorum, urbium, montium, oppidorum: Altero rerum in historijs contentarum memorabilium. 1
- Universae historiae sui temporis libri XXX. ab. a. 1546 ad annum 1581 cum annotationibus Caspari Bitschii. 1
- Universae matheseos 4
- Universae matheseos brevis institutio theorico-practica ex operibus PP. Societatis Iesu collecta [...]. 3
- Universae matheseos brevis institutio theorico-practica, ex operibus pp. Societatis Iesu collecta, complectens hac tertia parte 1
- Universae Matheseos Elementa." 1
- Universae phraseologiae latinae corpus congestum a [...]. 1
- Universae theologiae 1
- Universal 13
- Universal - Kalender 1
- Universal - Tinctur oder dem 1
- Universal an die St~:ande de Republique Pohlen de dato Bender den 28. januarii Anno 1711. Nach dem Lateinischen Original ins Teutsche ~:ubersetzt. 1
- Universal Cart of French Rail-Ways with Indication of Those Terminated and Those Projected 1
- Universal Catalogue of books on art 3
- Universal confederacy wyslicky panow rad coronnych rokoszu 1606 1
- Universał deputaczki woiewodztwa wielgopolskiego 1607 1
- universal dictionary of the English language : an original compilation giving all pronunciations in simplified and in more exact phonetic notations, extensive etymologies, definitions, the latest accepted words in scientific, technical, and general use, with copious illustrative phrases, and colloquialisms / 1
- universal dictionary of the marine: or a 1
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