- A a Rakóczi-szabadsagharc 300. evfordulójan : Srospatak = 1
- A a recent book in Poland about Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) / 1
- A a study of editorial opinion, in New Haven, Conn., concerning the polish insurection of 1830-1831 / 1
- A a symposium on the Uppsala C collection of medieval manuscripts / 1
- A a symposium on the Uppsala C Collection of medieval manuscripts / 1
- A a tale / 1
- A abridged from the seven-volume work, entitled Slang and its Analogues / 1
- A Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion. 1
- A Adam Mickiewicz : poesie de M. Lucien Pate / 1
- A Akcent 1
- A Akcent : literatura i sztuka : almanach. T. 1 / 1
- A Akcent : literatura i sztuka : almanach. T. 4 / 1
- A also the route to India by way of Egypt / 1
- A an attempt to illustrate some of the differences between Elizabethan and modern English : for the Use of Schools / 1
- A B C 4
- A B C des echecs ou 1
- A B C des echecs par [...] Suivi de 126 1
- A B C Evangelischer Kirchen-Verfasung / 1
- A B C literacko-artystyczne : 1
Viewed records 28021-28040 from 362448