- Admiralskie lanie (pol.) 1
- Admiralskie lanie / 1
- Admiranda de vacuo, scilicet Valeriani Magni 1
- Admiranda de vacuo, scilicet Valeriani Magni demonstratio ocularis de possibilitate vacui. Eiusdem altera pars demonstrationis ocularis. D. De Roberval Narratio de vacuo. Valeriani responsio ad D. de Roberval. 1
- Admiranda de vacuo, scilicet Valeriani Magni demonstratio ocularis de possibilitate vacui. Eiusdem altera pars demonstrationis ocularis. D. De Roberval Narratio de vacuo. Valeriani responsio ad D. de Roberval. Responsio eiusdem ad Peripateticum Cracoviensem [...]. 1
- Admiranda Nili. Commentatione philologica geographica, historic~1a physic~1a, et hieroglyphica ex CCCXVIII autoribus, Graecis, et Latinis vetustis et recentibus illustrata [...]. 1
- admiranda S. Augustini conversio, historica eiusdem 1
- Admiranda sive, De Magnitudine Romana Libri Quattuor. Ad Serenissimum Principem Albertum Austrium. 1
- Admiranda, sive, De Magnitudine Romana Libri Quattuor. Ad Serenissimum Principem Albertum Austrium. 1
- Admissibility of marriage between catholics and orthodox christians in canon law 1
- Admission de la Republique Azerbaïdjan dans la Societe des Nations : lettre par la Delegation de Paix de la Republique Azerbadïjan = Admission of the Azerbaïdjan Republic to the League : letter from the Azerbaïdjan Peace Delegation / 1
- Admission de la Republique Lativa dans la Societe des Nations = Admission of the Republic of Latvia to the League de of Nations / 1
- Admission de nouveaux membres dans la Societe des Nations : Autriche : rapport presente par la 5e Commission a l'Assemblee = Admission of new Members to the LEague of Nations : Austria : report presented by 5 committee to the Assembly / 1
- Admission de nouveaux membres dans la Societe des Nations Aserbaidjan : rapport presente par la 5e Commission a Assemblee = Admission of new members to the League of Nations Azerbaidjan : report presented by 5 Committee to the Assembly. 1
- Admission of new members to the League of Nations Azerbaidjan : report presented by 5 Committee to the Assembly 1
- Admission of the Azerbaïdjan Republic to the League : letter from the Azerbaïdjan Peace Delegation 1
- Admission of the Azerbaïdjan Republic to the League : report presented by 5 Committee to the Assembly 1
- Admission of the Republic of Latvia to the League de of Nations 1
- Admissione Reformatorum ad S. Synaxin Lutheranorum 4. 1
- Admonicya pasterska od [...] Woyciecha [...] Polszcze przy świętym grobie swoim dana kazaniem [...] Stanisława Nepomucena Sienienskiego [...] roku [...] MDCCXLIV [...] opowiedziana. 1
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