- Amerykańska agresja w Korei w świetle prawa międzynarodowego [...] 1
- Amerykańska polityka społeczna wobec emigrantów 1
- Amoris laetitia - ewolucja czy rewolucja w nauczaniu Kościoła katolickiego o małżeństwie? 1
- Amos and the Officialdom in the Kingdom of Israel 1
- amour dans La Nouvelle Heloïse. Texte et intertexte. Actes du colloque de Genève (10-11-12 juin 1999) 1
- Amphibians and reptiles collected by the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Panama Canal Zone ... 1
- Amphipod crustaceans collected on the Presidential Cruise on 1938 [...] 1
- Amphipoda collected at the Arctic Laboratory, office of naval laboratory research, Point Barrow, Alaska, by G. E. MacGinitie [...] 1
- Amphipoda of the Smithsonian-Roebling expedition to Cuba in 1937 [...] 1
- Amulety egipskie 1
- An 6
- An analysis of the atmospheric trajectories of 413 precisely reduced photographic meteors [...] 1
- An ancient Quarry in Indian territory [...] 1
- An annotated bibliography [...] 1
- An den Grenzen der reinen Rechtslehre 1
- An extension of the rotation group of the (Noncrystallographic) regular dodecahedron and its Crystallographie importance 1
- An investigation of the Orbit of Neptune [...] 1
- An investigation of the orbit of Uranus [...] 1
- An oligocene eagle from Wyoming ... 1
- Analecta Hermogeniana [...] 1
Viewed records 861-880 from 23309