- Cometografia 1
- Cometographia, totam naturam cometarum [...] exhibens [...]. Accessit 1
- Cometologia albo 1
- comic elements in the English mystery plays against the cultural background (particularly art) / 1
- Comic Tales and lyrical fancies; including the Chessiad a mock heroic, in five cantos; and the 1
- Comicorum Graecorum Sententiae, id est gn~3omai, Latinis versibus / 1
- Coming revolution in Great Britain 1
- coming struggle among the nations of the earth or The political events of the next fifteen years described in accordance with prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel and the Apocalypse [...] showing also the important position Britain will occupy during and at the end of, the awful conflict / 1
- Comissia do ordynacyi ostroskiey 1721 1
- Comissia inter confinantes 1
- Comissia Zygmunta III króla Polski do Kijowa na poskromienia Kozakow posłana 1614 1
- Comissio ad bona allodialia[?] [...] Ferdinandi in Livonia Curlandiae et Semigalliae ducis [...] 1
- Comissio pro exdivisione abbatiarum vigore concordati 1
- Comitato Nazionale per le onoranze ad Adamo Mickiewicz nel primo centenario della morte : bandi dei concorsi per un saggio, per un articolo e per disegni. 1
- Comitato Polacco. [Inc.: "Illustrissimi signori, la gigantesca guerra che si combatte...]". 1
- Comitatus Nassau-Weilburg 1
- Comitatus Posoniensis Germanis Presburg dicti Delineatio Geographica, Ex prototypo Micoviniano desumta, et multis in locis, praesertim quoad Hungaricarum et Slavicarum vocum justiorem orthographiam emendatior reddita [...] 1
- Comite a trouve, cette annee encore, des ressources pour continuer son oeuvre ; la sympathie publique a repondu à son appel, elle nous a permis de venir en aide à l'emigration polonaise [...] 1
- Comite Central en faveur des Polonais : Comite Central Polonais a Messieurs les Electeurs. 1
- Comite Central en faveur des Polonais : Comite Central Polonais de Paris aux Comites Polonais des Departemens. 1
Viewed records 67521-67540 from 366443