- Concede mihi misericors deus que tibi placita sunt ardenter concupiscere 1
- Concentration camp Dachau : album / 1
- Concentus lyricus virtuti et honori XI [...] candidatorum dum in [...] Universitate Cracov[iensi] per [...] Michaelem Josephum Rembecki, [...] philosophiae baccalaurei [...] crearentur, a Carolo Antonio [...] Wąż [...] metri [...] instrument~1o accomodus. Anno [...] 1726 [...] Die 7 novembris. 1
- Concepcion institucional del derecho / 1
- Concept de la legalite dans les pays socialistes : colloque de l'AISJ, 10-16 septembre 1958 / 1
- Concept der Furschrieftenn die Ko[nigliche] Ma[iestä]t zu Polen [...] Hern Margraf Georgen etc. im Handel Opeln und Ratibarn betrefendt geben solle. 1
- concept of organic growth in Young Germany : (Laube, Mundt, Wienbarg) / 1
- Concept of World in Contemporary Philosophy / 1
- Conceptions of Shakespeare / 1
- Concepts and methods in research on settlement. 1
- Concepts of space in contemporary art. 1
- Conceptus ad verbum Dei Mariae conceptio [...] a [...] demonstratus anno [...] 1721. Die 8 Decembris. 1
- Conceptus evangelici varietate reflexionum intertexti ad usus concionatoris, asceticos, christiano-politicos accomodi / 1
- Conceptus mirabilis votivis epigrammatibus insertus [...]. Accessit 1
- Concernente la teorica dell'arte 1
- Concerning the fates of humanity 1
- Concerning the horses of the orient and those originating from oriental breeds. 1
- Concerning the horses of the Orient and those originating from oriental breeds. 4
- Concerning the nature of things. 1
- Concert au profit de l'Oeuvre de Saint-Casimir Maison de Refuge pour les Vieillards et Orphelins avec le concours [...] 1
Viewed records 68021-68040 from 361719