- Concise economic history of the World 1
- Concise history of Greece. 1
- Concise history of Italy 1
- Concise librarian dictionary. 1
- Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English / 1
- concise Oxford Dictionary of English literature / 1
- Concise Statistical Year Book of the Polish People's Republic 1
- Concise statistical Year-book of Poland : September 1939-June 1941 1
- Conclave : origines, histoire, organisation, legislation ancienne et moderne ; avec un appendice contenant le texte des "Bulles secrètes" de Pie IX / 1
- Conclave de Leon XIII / 1
- Conclave di Leone XIII con aggiunte e nuovi documenti e il futuro conclave / 1
- conclue entre Russie et la Porte 1779 1
- Conclusia 1
- Conclusia na schadzce u arcibiskupa gnieznienskiego Stanisława Karnkowskiego Ichm. panow rad y panow posłow wielkopolskich 08. 10. 1592 1
- Conclusia Rady Wielkiey Warszawskiey [...] 1682 1
- Conclusio commitiorum Regni Sueciae die 24 decembris anno 1627 Stocholmie! celebratorum 1
- Conclusio Continuationis Rady Malborski de data 4 Maii 1703 1
- Conclusio de praeparatoriis 1635 1
- Conclusio induciarum Polonico-sueticarum ad Starygard 1629 peractarum 1
Viewed records 68081-68100 from 361580