- Diplomata et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III illustrandis ut et figurae, imagines, nummi 1
- Diplomata historiam dominii Matthaei de genere Chak illustrantia / 1
- Diplomata monasterii Clarae Tumbae prope Cracoviam = Zbiór dyplomów klasztoru mogilskiego przy Krakowie / 1
- Diplomata, 1
- Diplomataria Maguntina [...] In lucem protraxit [...]. 2
- Diplomataria veteris Marchiae Brandenburgensis. Aus den Archiven gasammlet und herausgegeben von [...]. 2
- Diplomatarii Bohemo-Silesiaci continuatio. III 1
- Diplomatarium Danicum. Kopenhaga 1938-1960 1
- Diplomate : [comedie-vaudeville en deux actes] / 1
- Diplomate : comedie-vaudeville en deux actes / 1
- Diplomate, le crèatur de Suez 1
- Diplomates de la Revolution : Hugou de Bassville à Rome, Bernadotte à Vienne / 1
- diplomates europeens. T. 1-2 / 1
- Diplomatiâ Vatikana v nacal'nuû èpohu imperializma 1
- Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna / 1
- Diplomatic relations with the free town of Cracow. 1
- diplomatic reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus : 1837-1862 : in two volumes. Vol. 1. 1
- diplomatic reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus : 1837-1862 : in two volumes. Vol. 2. 1
- diplomatic retreat of France and public opinion on the eve of the French Revolution, 1783-1789 / 1
- Diplomatic ventures and adventures : some experiences of British envoys at the court of Poland / 1
Viewed records 88041-88060 from 361550