- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.12, Hydrozoa to Jeremy, Epistle of. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.13, Jerez de la Frontera to Liberty Party. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.14, Libido to Mary, Duchess of Burgundy 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.15, Maryborough to Mushet Steel. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.16, Mushroom to Ozonolysis. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.17, P to Plant Quarantine. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.18, Plants to Raymund of Tripoli. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.19, Raynal to Sarraut. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.20, Sarsaparilla to Sorcery. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.21, Sordello to Textbooks. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.22, Textile to Vascular System. 1
- Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal konowledge. Vol.23, Vase to Zygote. 1
- Encyclopaedia mathematica. VI. 1
- Encyclopaedia naturalis entis: in genere et specie doctrina peripatetic~1a, ad mentem Doctoris Angelici [t.j. Tomasz z Akwinu, św.] expressa. A Stanislao Stokowski [...] in [...] Academia Cracouiensi, publice ad disputandum proposita [...] 1637 [...] April. [...] praesidente [...] Joachimo Speronowic [...]. 1
- Encyclopaedia of Chess / 1
- Encyclopaedia of information on the Jesuits on the territories of Poland and Lithuania 1564-1995 1
- Encyclopaedia of international affairs and the UN 1
- Encyclopaedia. 1
- encyclopaedic dictionary of heraldry / 1
- Encyclopedia 1
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