- Diewięćdziesiąt lat Polskiego Związku Hodowców i Producentów Zwierząt Futerkowych 1
- Difendere "l'Europa cristiana" contro "l'invasione islamica"? : il discorso politico-religioso populista in Polonia nel contesto della crisi migratoria dell UE 1
- difference between the two systems of teaching deaf-mute children the English language : extracts from a letter to a parent requesting information relative to the prevailing methods of teaching the English language to deaf-mutes in America / 1
- Differences des 1
- Differencya między pospolitą i niepospolitą [...] śmiercią na pogrzebie [...] Chryzostoma Niemiry Gniazdowskiego [...] Kazaniem przez [...] ogłoszona a potym [...] wydana [...] Teressie z Zakrzewskich Gniazdowski [...] dedykowana [...] roku [...] 1732. 1
- Differenta projets de delivrer la famillie royale de France. 1
- differentes degres de la 1
- differentes negociations dont il a ete charge dans les cours de France, d'Espagne et de Portugal [...].
- differentes negociations, dont il a ete charge dans les cours de France, d'Espagne et de Portugal [...].
- Differentiae 1
- differentiae dei salmi come aiuto all'identificazione degli antifonali / 1
- Differentiae legum et canonum. 1
- Differents Atours dont les Indiens se parent dans leurs Danses 1
- Differenzgeschäfte bis Erde. 1
- Differenzial-Rechnung. Aus dem lateinischen übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen begleitet von Johann Andreas Christian Michelsen.
- Differenzierungen im Begriff Fortschritt / 1
- Difficult paths : memories of the Ministry of Academic youth in Kielce as an evidence of religious-patriotic attitude (1994-1994) 1
- Difficult words in Polish-English translation = Wyrazy i wyrażenia trudne do przetłumaczenia na język angielski / 1
- Difficulties of religious education 1
- Diffinicio demonum. Albertus in Compendio theologice veritatis 1
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