- Exhibition of paintings by polish soldiers-artist / 1
- Exhibition of Polish Art Catalogue : 17th to 24th february 1973 at sir Dallas Brooks Hall, Victoria Parade, East Melbourne / 1
- Exhibition of Spanish Art, under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain : the New Gallery, Regent Street 1895-6. 1
- Exhibition of Tapestries and Tintoretto's painting "The Batle of Asolo" from the Collections of the Barbara Piasecka Johnson Foundation 1
- Exhibition of works by Priscilla Romero, laureate of MTG Kraków 2018 1
- Exhortatio infirmorum Interrogatones faciende infirmis agonizantibus multum necessarie 1
- Exhortatio ut fratres et sorores tercy [...] 1
- Exhortation 1
- Exhortation aux chrestiens pour resister au Turc, qui se prepare pour faire la guerre a la chrestient~'e et copie des lettres orgueilleuses et denonciatoires enuay~'ees a l'Empereur et au Roy de Pologne. 1
- Exhortationes 1
- Exhortationes et utiles doctrine pro lucra[n]dis animabus valde necessarie 1
- Exhortations et instructions chretiennes. Par [...] [Louis] Bourdaloue [...]. 2
- Exhorty pasterskie pasterzom w parafiach przygodne / 2
- exhorty postne 1
- Exil am Mittelmeer : Deutsche Schriftsteller in Südfrankreich 1933-1941 / 1
- Exil et Patrie : discours pronoce le 21 mai 1886 dans l'eglise de Montmorency au service funèbre pour les Polonais morts dans l'emigration / 1
- Exile's return : a literary odyssey of the 1920's / 1
- Exiles polonais de la Grande Emigration de 1831 installes dans les provinces françaises 1
- Exiles to their Country (Poland) Hommage to my Emigrant Brethren Guardians of the Flag of national Independence by Theophile Lenartowicz. Rome 1856. Lines translated from the Polish by J. D. Z." [Jadwigę z Działyńskich Zamoyską]. 1
- Exilium sapientis 1
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