- Historica Section historique 1
- Historica, Caeteraque omnia qu[ae] ulla ex parte ad cognitionem rerum spectant, solis verborum explicationibus (quae quidem in vulgatis Lexicis passim extant) praetermissis: Opus iucunda rerum varietate & multiplici eruditione refertum: Nunc primum liberalitate Magnifici & Generosi viri D. Caroli Villingeri, Baronis a Schoeneberg, Caesare Maiestati a consilijs: / 1
- Historica, Caeteraque omnia qu[ae] ulla ex parte ad cognitionem rerum spectant: Opus iucunda rerum varietate, & multiplici eruditione refertum: Liberalitate Magnif. & Generosi viri D. Caroli Villingeri, Baronis a Schoeneberga: [...] opera ac studio Hier. Wolfii annis abhinc XVII, in Latinum sermonem conversa: nunc vero & emendata, & aucta. Accessit nunc demum Rerum & verborum extra ordinem Alphabeticum memorabilium Index [...]. 1
- Historicae observationes [...] [współwyd.] 1
- Historicae viae : studia dedykowane profesorowi Lechowi A. Tyszkiewiczowi z okazji 55-lecia pracy zawodowej / 1
- Historical Abstracts Bulletin 1
- Historical account of the life a. actions of [...] John III [...] dedicated to the Lord Landsdowne [...]. 1
- Historical Account of the said Prince's life and actions,) by a lover of the Peace and glory of Christendome. 1
- historical and critical account of the 2
- Historical and descriptive account of the hand-made antique laces of all countries. 1
- historical and genealogical account of the present nobility [...] 1
- Historical aspects of northeastern Russia: the economics, education and Kolymian Gulag 1
- Historical atlas of knights & castles 1
- Historical Atlas of Poland / 1
- Historical atlas of the Bible, 1
- Historical Atlas of the Lublin (Arch)Diocese 1805-2010 1
- Historical Atlas of the Metropolis of Przemyśl : (Arch)Diocese of Przemyśl, Diocese of Rzeszów, Diocese of Zamość-Lubaczów 1
- Historical cartography of Ukraine : a collection of Scholarly Papers 1
- historical description of Westminster Abbey : its monuments and curiosities. 1
Viewed records 135401-135420 from 361626