- In tabula supra monumentum fixa scriptum 1
- In tabula supra sepulchrum {Philippi Callimachi] fixa 1
- in Tabulam Poloniae a se descriptam nuncupatoria. Ad Sigismundum II Augustum Poloniae regem. Philippi Melanchthonis in eandem Poloniae Chorographiam Commendatoria Epistola. Accessit index [...]. 1
- in Taciti [Publii Cornelii] primordia Annalium et Historias commentatio. 1
- in Taciti Histor. Agricolae vitam, et 1
- In Tacitum animadversiones. 1
- In Te Domine speravi : księga pamiątkowa poświęcona Księdzu Arcybiskupowi Bolesławowi Pylakowi Metropolicie Lubelskiemu / 1
- In tempore belli et pacis : homines - loca - res : profesori Joanno Szymczak sexagesimum quintum diem natalem quadragesimumque annum studiorum celebranti 1
- In tempore belli et pacis : ludzie - miejsca - przedmioty : księga pamiątkowa dedykowana prof. dr. hab. Janowi Szymczakowi w 65-lecie urodzin i 40-lecie pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej / 1
- In terra / 1
- In tertio secundas 1
- In tertio secundas nuptias viri Nobilis, Spectatissimi, Integerrimiq[ue] Dn. Tobiae Sachtz [...] et [...] Mariae familia Kl~:arichin [...] Johan. Leonhardi Agricolae [...] relictae viduae; secund. sponsae [...] VII Id. Martias [...] [1642] [...] celebrandas votivae [...] acclamationes. 1
- In the borderland between Wielkopolska and Pomerania : the guidebook / 1
- In the circle of themes and literary forms : sketches on the works of Andrzej Kijowski. 1
- In the company of cheerful ladies / 1
- In the domain of history and the history of art 1
- In the fire of the Eastern front : the story of a Dutch Waffen-SS Volunteer, 1941-45, 1
- In the Library 1
- In the mirror of time 1
Viewed records 142801-142820 from 366443