- Inventory of Polish folk ballad 1
- inventum aucthoris, novum; expedita et mir~1a 1
- inventum aucthoris, novum; expedita et mir~1a arte combinat~1a methodo univeralem geometriae et arithmeticae practicae summam continens [...]. 1
- Inventur der Fundus instruetus 1
- Invenzione del cristianesimo : la triplice metamorfosi della figura di Cristo nei primi secoli della nostra era e la nascita della Chiesa, 1
- invenzione del giuoco degli Scacchi, Versione dal persiano di Italo Pizzi. 1
- Inversion de l'idiotie, 1
- Inversnaid Hotel, Lochlomond 1
- Invertebrata. 1
- Investigation of bacterial flora of newborn babies in the first days of their life / 1
- Investigation of the therapeutic action of potassium acetate and bromide in hypertension / 1
- Investigations of the thermic regime and of ice formation at lake Gopło 1
- Investigations on the usefulness of skin for grafting depending on the region of the body and age / 1
- investissements culturels dans les villes de Prusse Royale du XVI-e au XVIII-e siecle 1
- Investissements industriels et investissements culturels dans les villes minieres de l'Europe centrale aux XIII-e XVII-e siecles 1
- Investissements publics urbains en Suisee au XVI-e siecle repartition sectorielle 1
- Investiturstreit : Quellen und Materialien (Lateinisch - Deutsch) / 1
- Invictissimo [...] Sigismundo Tertio [...] Nicolaus [...] Mnischek [...]. 1
- Invincibilis Polonia 1
- Invincibilis Polonia votivum hoc dum exequetur compendium. To iest 1
Viewed records 145621-145640 from 363816