- Introduction to the 1
- Introduction to the "Logical investigations" : a draft of a preface to the "Logical investigations" (1913) / 1
- Introduction to the Game of Chess [...]. 5
- Introduction to the game of chess, containing one hundred exemples of games and a great variety of critical situations [...] Philidor's Analysis [...] to which is added, 9
- introduction to the history of the Church of England : from the earliest times to the present day / 1
- Introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. 1
- Introduction to the Royal Game of Chess [...] 1
- Introduction to the royal Game of Chess [...]. 4
- Introduction to the rudiments of that scientific and popular game [...]. 4
- Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution / by A. V. Dicey. 1
- Introduction to theoretical linguistics 1
- Introductione Episcopali [...]. 1
- Introductionem ad philosophiam stoicam [...] praemisit Joan[nes] Franciscus Buddeus [...] 1
- Introductiones apotelesmaticae [...] quibus [...] accessit Guilielmi Grataroli Bergomatis opuscula [...] et Pomponi Gaurici Neapolitani tractatus [...]. 1
- Introductiones apotelesmaticae elegantes, in Chyromantiam, Physiognomiam, Astrologiam naturale[m], Complexiones hominu[m], Naturas planetaru[m], cu[m] periaxiomatibus de faciebus Signorum, et canonibus de aegritudinibus, nusquam fer~'e simili tractata compendio / 1
- introductiones et illustrationes physico - mathematicae [...] necessariae ad opus eius intelligendum De motu animalium...) 1
- Introductionis Grammaticae libri quattuor, una cum interpretatione latina, nuper ab Hercule Girlando Mantuano, & recognita, & ab omni vitio expurgata, ubi quae passim obscura, caeca, recondita, multis perplexa nodis, hactenus lectoris animu[m] latuere, ea nu[n]c omnia omnibus aperta, candida manifesta, ac intellectu facilia leguntur. quare lector, si bonus es, nos quoq[ue] bonos, boni aliquid tibi quotidie ferentes, bene ama: & sis felix. 1
- Introductionis in universam geographiam tam veterem quam novam libri VI [...] Cui adjuncta est Danielis Heinsii 1
- Introductionis in universam geographiam tam veterem quam novam libri VI. 1
- Introductionis in Universam Geographiam tam veterem quam novam. Libri VI. 1
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