- Linguae Latinae et Polonicae principia [...]. 1
- linguae Latinae exercitatio. Ex optimorum codicum cum collatione, innumeris mendis purgata [...]. 1
- linguae latinae phrases ab Aldo Manutio [...] conscriptae. Nunc vero de novo linqua polonica [...] et germanica [...] interpretatione [...] adductae [...] Quibus annexus est Erasmi Rotherodami 1
- linguae sclavonicae in nominibus quibusdam regionum (et locorum), quae nunc a Germanis [...] possidentur. 1
- linguaggio dello spettacolo : lessico italiano-polacco del teatro, del cinema, della radio e della televisione = Język widowisk artystycznych : włosko-polski leksykon teatru, kina, radia i telewizji / 1
- Linguaggio e filosofia a cura di S. Hook / 1
- Linguam amicabilem facere : Ludovico Zabrocki in memoriam / 1
- Linguam latinam cognosco = Poznaję język łaciński : podręcznik do łaciny dla dzieci : (etap wczesnoszkolny) / 1
- Linguarum, que in Polonia ab extraneis populis usurpantur proprietatibus. 1
- Linguistic and Literary Studies in Latvia / 1
- Linguistic and Oriental Studies from Poznań. Monograph Supplement Series / 1
- linguistic approach to the analysis of a dramatic text : a 1
- linguistic approach to the analysis of a dramatic text : study in discourse analysis and cohesion with special reference to The birthday party by Harold Pinter / 1
- Linguistic contributions 1
- Linguistic map of 1
- Linguistic map of the 1
- Linguistic structures and linguistic laws 1
- Linguistic Studies in Latvia / 1
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