- memoirs of Marshal Foch / 1
- Memoirs of Polish immigrants in Canada 1
- Memoirs of Polish Immigrants in Canada 2
- Memoirs of signor Guadentio di Lucca 1
- Memoirs of Swift. 1
- Memoirs of the Courts of Berlin, Dresden, Warsaw, and Vienna, in the years 1777, 1778, and 1779. / 2
- Memoirs of the Empress Eugenie. Vol. 2 / 1
- Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope. Vol. 1 / 1
- Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope. Vol. 2 / 2
- memoirs of Zeus / 1
- memorabiles e Graeco in Latinum traductae sententiae [aliorumque authorum] concinnatae et in locos communes digestae a [...]. 1
- memorabilia 1
- Memorabilia auß dem historischen Kirchen Register der Großen Pfarkirchen zu Dantzig Eberhart B~ottchers Nickel Schmidtten und Michel Fischers ausgezogen 1668 1
- Memorabilia bibliothecae publicae Elisabetanae Wratislaviensis, a fundatore [...] Rehdigerianae dictae quae A [...] M. DC. XC. IIX. die XV Maji [...] exponi fecit Gottlob Krantz [...]. 1
- Memorabilia celebriorum veterum rerum publicarum. Accessit tractatus iuris publici De potestate principis. 1
- memorabilia ex historia Polona 1
- Memorabilia gratitudinis Regis Sermo ? Wladislai IV a Polonis praestitae 1
- Memorabilia in toto orbe celleberrima 1
- Memorabilia sub regibus Poloniae 1
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