- new society : the anatomy of industrial order / 1
- new society / 1
- New South 5
- New South Wales : Australia area 310,700 Sqr miles population 830,000. Sydney the metropolis of the colony population 250,000 / 1
- New South Wales : catalogue 1
- New South Wales : public schools act of 1866 with regulations of 29th november 1875. 1
- New South Wales, Australia : General Informtion for Intending Emigrants and Others. 1
- New South Wales. Railway lines completed or in course of construction principal districts traversed, populations, distances, and c. and c. 1
- new species of marine pennante diatom from Honolulu Harbor / 1
- New Testament : the authorised english version ; with introduction and various readings from the three most celebrated manuscripts of the original Greek text / 1
- New Testament : the Revised Berkeley Version 1
- New Testament History for the Higher Standarts in Catholic Schools / 1
- New testament of our Lord and Saniour Jesus Christ. Newly translated [...]. 1
- New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ / 1
- New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 1
- new thinking and pedagogy in the world of subsistence : found out by criticizing the thinking style of modern mathematics and theoretical physics to establish the new thinking and school pedagogy not based on philosophy so as break through the crisis of human being and his theoretical research at present / 1
- new treatise on Chess [...]. 1
- new Treatise on Chess: containing the 3
- New und alter Almanach, auff das 1599 Jahr, durch Bernardum Kracker der freyen K~:unste Magistrum, und Philosophi[ae] Doctorem zu Krackaw gestellet. 1
- New variations on the Muzio Gambit. 2
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