- Physica curiosa sive 1
- Physica experimentalis figuris aeri incisis depicta et illustrata a [...]. 1
- Physica generalis, quam in usum auditorum philosophiae conscripsit Joan[nes] Bap[tista] Horvath [...]. 1
- Physica iuxta [...] Joannis Duns-Scoti [...] In conventu Caunensi ad Sanctum Georgium [...] sub [...] Gvardiantu [...] Antoni Prąckiewicz per Martianum Czum protunc lectorem philosophiae ad explicandum assumpta anno [...] 1751 die 7 [...] septembris..." 1
- Physica particularis, quam in usum auditorum philosophiae conscripsit Joan[nes] Bapt[ista] Horvath [...]. 1
- Physica sacra oder 1
- Physica seu 1
- Physica specialis. 1
- Physica subterranea profundam subterraneorum genesi [...] ostendens [...]. 1
- Physicae ad lumen divinum reformatae synopsis 1
- Physicae ad lumen divinum reformatae synopsis [...]. 1
- Physicae generalis [disputationes] [...] sub praesidio Danielis Lagi [...]. 1
- Physical basis of life. 1
- Physical description of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land / 1
- Physical Earth 1
- Physical Geography. Vol. 1 / 1
- Physical Geography. Vol. 2 / 1
- Physical map of the world showing currents and isothermal lines 1
- Physical map of the world, showing the direction of mountin-chains, the ocean-basins and principal river-systems, trade-wind and monsoon-regions and C. 1
- Physical-geographic environment of the Wielkopolska National Park : current state, changes. 1
Viewed records 243601-243620 from 363779