- Politicorum libri quattuor [...]. 1
- Politicorum libri septem. 1
- Politicorum sive 2
- Politicorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex 1
- Politicorum sive civilis doctrinae libri sex; qui ad Principatum maxime spectant. 1
- Politicorum sive Civilis Doctrinae Libri Sex. Qui ad Principatum maxime spectant. 1
- Politics and Society in Provinciał Russia - Saratov, 1590-1917 / 1
- Politics and tyranny, 1
- Politics in independent Poland 1921-1939 : the crisis of constitutional government / 1
- Politics of duplicity : controlling reproduction in Ceausescu's Romania, 1
- politics of prejudice : the anti-Japanese movement in California and the struggle for Japanese exclusion / 1
- Politics of the Legal Process in Early Medieval Poland / 1
- politics of the Prussian Army 1640-1945 / 2
- Politics of the Times. 1
- Politics, reform and expansion : 1890-1900 / 1
- Politicus christianus. Liber II. 2
- Politicus et Minos 1
- Politicus Sarmatiae 1
- politigue culturelle en Pologne / 1
- Politik 1
Viewed records 251201-251220 from 361581