- principles and praktice of modern artillery : including artillery material, gunnery and organization and use of artillery in warfare / 1
- Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice [...]. 3
- Principles of descriptive and physiological botany Includes 1
- principles of education / 1
- Principles of geology or the modern changes of the Earth and its inhabitants. Vol. 1 / 1
- principles of physiology applied to the preservation of health and to the improvement of physical and mental education / 1
- Principles of public finance. 1
- Principles of warming and ventilating public buildings, dwelling-houses, manufactories, hospitals, hothouses, conservatories / 1
- Principum 1
- Principum effigies ex ipsis Polonorum Prototypis [...] curavit Dominicus de Rubeis [...] Benedict. Farjat sculp. 1
- Principum effigies ex ipsis Polonorum prototypis accurate desumi, et aeri incidi curauit Dominicus de Rubeis [...] Benedictus Fariat sculpsit. A[ntoine] Barbey scripsit.]. 1
- Principum et illustrium virorum epistolae. 1
- Principum et regum Polonorum Imagines ad vivum expressae. Quibus adject[ae] sunt breves singulorum histori[ae] et res praeclare gestae, ut lectori et oculos & animum sumul his quasi speculo human[ae] vit[ae] inspiciendo pascere liceat. 1
- Principum et regum Polonorum Imagines ad vivum expressae. Quibus adjectę sunt breves singulorum historię et res praeclare gestae, ut lectori et oculos & animum simul his quasi speculo humanę vitę inspiciendo pascere liceat. 1
- Principum Imaginibus et brevi rerum per omnem Europam illustrium narratione. 1
- Principum occupationes singulares, omina, vota, fata, per Nicolaum de Chwałkowo Chwałkowski [...] connotata. 1
- Přinos Marxova Kapitalu k poznani spolěčenskych zakonů / 1
- Přinoški k stawiznam přeněmčenych stron Delnjeje Łužicy / 1
- Print and Prejudice / 1
- Print, commerce and cultural manipulation in the late Enlightenment. 1
Viewed records 262301-262320 from 361722