- Primer, R. 1
- Primisser, Alois (1796-1827). 1
- Primke, Robert (1965- ). 1
- Primke, Robert. 2
- Primmer A. 1
- Primus Małgorzata, Pokorska- zob. Pokorska, Małgorzata 1
- Primus, Stanisław. 1
- Prina, Paul. 1
- Prince-Smith, John. 2
- Prince, Clive 1
- Prince, Clive. 1
- Prince, William. 1
- Princesse de Wittgenstein zob. Sayn-Wittgenstein Karolina (1819-1887). 1
- Principal Trustee of the British Museum London 1
- Principal Trustee of the Ridgway Branch of the Philadelphia Public Library 1
- Principe, Lawrence M. 1
- Pringsheim E. 1
- Prinke Andrzej 1
- Prinke, Andrzej (1948- ). 1
- Prinke, Andrzej. 1
Viewed records 149401-149420 from 212085