- Rifleman : elite soldiers of the wars against Napoleon / 1
- Rifles and rifle practice : an 1
- Rifles and rifle practice : elementary treatise upon the theory of rifle firing, explaining the causes of inaccuracy of fire, and the manner of correcting it [...] / 1
- Riflessioni al Giornale de Letterati di Roma an. 1746. pag. 284 di [...]. 1
- Rifling small arms and ordnance : [patent zatwierdzony] (7 czerwca 1861 Nr 3068) / 1
- Riga Blatt Nr. O 35. 1
- Riga Blatt-Nr. O 35. 1
- Riga und Reval / 1
- Riga und seine Bauten / 1
- Rigaer Letten Verein und die lettische Nationalbewegung von 1868 bis 1905 / 1
- Rigaische Zeitung 1
- Rigas evangelische Kirche im 19. Jahrhundert : drei Vorträge / 1
- Rigascher Almanach für [...] 1
- Rigenses Sigismundo III regi Poloniae 1619 1
- Rigensibus Sigismundus III Rex Poloniae 1621 1
- Right and wrong in sceptical views on the problem of periglacial phenomena revealed in Pleistocene deposits / 1
- right of search : two speeches (January 20 and 27, 1862) / 1
- Righteous persecution : inquisition, Dominicans, and Christianity in the Middle Ages, 1
- Rights of the child yesterday, today and tomorrow : the Korczak perspective 3
Viewed records 281161-281180 from 363699