- Selected poems 3
- Selected poems / 2
- Selected poems 1957-1967, 1972 1
- Selected Problems [...]. 1
- Selected research problems of students and graduates of Holy Cross University. 1
- selected work of Tom Paine & Citizen Tom Paine / 1
- Selected works 1
- Selected works. Vol. 1, Articles and speeches, 1922-1926 / 1
- Selected works. Vol. 2 / 1
- Selected writings : survey of historical sources Lithuania's country and neighbours Lithuania's ancien religion and culture : (with bibliography) 1
- Selected writings : the wars of the Lithuanians with the teutonic knights in the XIII-XV centuries 1
- Selected writings 1920-1969 / 1
- Selected writings of August Cieszkowski / 1
- Selecti 1
- Selecti clarissimorum oratorum sermones Sandomiriae editi. 1
- Selecti flores philologico - historico - theologico - morales in 4 [rz.] libros divisi (in quibus [...] 1
- Selection 8
- selection from chess problems [...] 1
- selection from Chess Problems [...]. 1
- selection from the 1
Viewed records 294141-294160 from 366443