- Tal Lucas, 1
- Talalkozas 1
- Talary Jana Kazimierza = The talers of John Casimir / 1
- Talasio 1
- Talasio in solennem et auspicatissimum nuptiarum diem [...] Andreae de Bnin Opalinski, cum [...] Anna Mielzinska [...] Lucae Mielzinsky [...] filia a studiosis adolescentibus Collegii Lubr: Hyacintho Rozrazewski, Stanislao et Wladislao Grudzinscijs, Stanislao Niegolewsky, (Joanne et Matthia Smogulecijs, Joanne Miaskowsky, Sventoslao Gałczinsky) concinnata anno M.DC.XXIII. XI Cal. Febr. 1
- Tale of two cities 4
- tale of two cities / 1
- Tale of two utopias : the political journey of the generation of 1968 1
- talens a la mode, com~'edie 1
- Taler-Kollektion, Der 1
- Talers of John Casimir 1
- talerz [porcelanowy] ręcznie malowany, nr inw. MK 3688. 1
- talerz, nr inw. MK 3758/30. 1
- talerze, fajans, Bielino, XVIII w. 1
- talerzyk pod filiżankę, nr inw. MK 6250/2. 1
- talerzyk pod filiżankę, nr inw. MK 6251/2. 1
- Tales about plants / 1
- Tales from Shakespeare / 2
- Tales of a grandfather : being stories taken from Scottish history ; Humbly inscribed to Hugh Littlejohn. 4
- Tales of a grandfather : Series 2, vol. 1 / 1
Viewed records 313901-313920 from 361719