- Transformacja systemów politycznych państw obszaru byłego Związku Radzieckiego / 1
- Transformacja systemu gospodarczego w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej / 1
- Transformacja w Polsce i w Niemczech Wschodnich - próba bilansu / 1
- Transformacja, ponowoczesność wokół nas i w nas / 1
- Transformacje systemu gospodarczego : (prace poświęcone pamięci profesora Tomasza Afeltowicza) / 1
- Transformation analysis of factorial data and other new analytical methods of differential psychology with their application to Thurstone's basic studies / 1
- Transformation of Memory : revaluations in the memory of the past and the selected aspects of functioning of the public discourse about the past in Poland after 1989. 1
- transformation of Russian society : aspects of social change since 1861 / 1
- Transformation of the systems of East-Central Europe : Rural Societes before and after 1989 / 1
- Transformation und Integration Ost - Mitteleuropas 1
- Transformation und Integration Ost - Mitteleuropas : sozio - ökonomische Anpassung an die EU / 1
- Transformations de la guerre 1
- Transformations des Grenouilles d'Amerique 1
- Transformations des Grenouilles d'Europe 1
- Transformations du Droit : etude sociologique / 1
- Transformations in the daily mobility of Poles against the background of development of car ownership. 1
- Transformations of housing social practices 1
- Transformations of the funeral rite in the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age in the light of analysis of sources from the cementery in Domasław, Wrocław District, and necropoles of the near region : (problems of socio-cultural changes) 1
- Transformations of the High Bieszczady Mountains rural landscape during the last 150 years. 1
- Transformationskraft des Opfers : ein Beitrag zum Opferdiskurs im Umkreis der mimetischen Theorie / 1
Viewed records 320561-320580 from 361719