- Transformationum congeries cum notis Guil[lelmi] Xylandri et Henrici Verheykii accesservnt Aesopi 1
- Transformejszen, czyli jak golonka z hamburgerem tańcowała : (reportaż optymistyczny) / 1
- Transformisme et Darwinisme, refutation methodique / 1
- Transfusion des Blutes und Einsprützung der Arzeneyen in die Adern : historisch und in Rücksicht auf die practische Heilkunde. [Bd. 1] / 1
- Transfusion des Blutes und Einsprützung der Arzeneyen in die Adern : historisch und in Rücksicht auf die practische Heilkunde. [Bd. 2] / 1
- transgressions / 1
- Transition zones between vegetation systems - the multi-scale approach (on the example of mountain vegetation). 1
- Transitivity and clause structure in Polish : a 1
- Transitivity and clause structure in Polish : study in case marking / 1
- Transits of 1
- Transitus Jovis, Gedani anno 1647 die 6 Junii [...] resp. st. n. observatq, a Johanne Hevelio. 1
- Transitus Jovis, Gedani, Anno [...] 1647 die 12 April [...] observatus a Johanne Hevelio. 1
- Transitus Veneris per discum solis post peractas revolutiones tam synodicas quam periodicas intra annos circiter 122 iterum anno Domini 1761 die 6 Junii celebratus et per mathematicos Universitatis Cracoviensis sub elevatione poli gr. 50 min. 12 observatus. Opera M. Jacobi Niegowiecki [...] luci publicae traditus. 3
- Transkrypcja i transliteracja wyrazów rosyjskich / 1
- Translat des Vocatoires du Roy 1
- Translat? des 1
- Translate of a Dutch Pamphlet, entituled, a true declaration of the News that came out of the East-Indies, with the Pinace called the Hare, which arrived in Texel, in Iune. 1624. Concerning a conspiracy discovered in the Iland of Amboyna, and the punishment following thereupon, according to the course of justice, in March 1624. comprehended in a Letter missive; and sent from a friend in the Low-Countries, to a friend of note in England, for information of him in the truth of those paflages. 1
- Translatio archi - praesuleae crucis [...] ad solennem in metropolitanam cathedram ingress~1us diem [...] Vladislai Alexandri [...] Łubienski [...] primatis [...] in maxima publicae festivitatis celebritate [...] officiosissimo cultu et calam~1o per [...] celebrata anno [...] 1760 [...]. 1
- Translatio comitiorum Varsaviam 1
- Translatio i literatura / 1
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