- Translat des Vocatoires du Roy 1
- Translat? des 1
- Translate of a Dutch Pamphlet, entituled, a true declaration of the News that came out of the East-Indies, with the Pinace called the Hare, which arrived in Texel, in Iune. 1624. Concerning a conspiracy discovered in the Iland of Amboyna, and the punishment following thereupon, according to the course of justice, in March 1624. comprehended in a Letter missive; and sent from a friend in the Low-Countries, to a friend of note in England, for information of him in the truth of those paflages. 1
- Translatio archi - praesuleae crucis [...] ad solennem in metropolitanam cathedram ingress~1us diem [...] Vladislai Alexandri [...] Łubienski [...] primatis [...] in maxima publicae festivitatis celebritate [...] officiosissimo cultu et calam~1o per [...] celebrata anno [...] 1760 [...]. 1
- Translatio comitiorum Varsaviam 1
- Translatio i literatura / 1
- Translatio Literarum ad Castell. Cracoviensis Ducem Capitaneum Leopoliensem Mercatorum! Orientalium Aug. II 1
- Translatio Literarum Silim Gierey Hani Crimensis ad Illustrissimum et Excellentissimum Palatinum Terrarum Kiiouia nec non Supremum exercitum Regni Ducem Scriptarum d. 8 Martii 1
- Translatio nundinarum in aliud tempus 1
- Translation 1
- Translation : a very short introduction 1
- Translation du psaume 1
- Translation of several principal books, passages and texts of the veds and of some controversial works on Brahmunical theology / 1
- Translation yesterday's achievements, today's challenges, and tommorow's opportunities / 1
- Translation, aus schwedischer in hollaendische, und aus hollaendischer in teutsche sprache gebracht der 1
- Translatum mandatorum Imp. ad provinciarum praefectos Kijovien[sem] Smolenscen[sem] Novogrodensem et Rigensem [...] 1750 1
- Transliteracja alfabetu graždaäskiego / 1
- Transliteracje dokumentów wykonane przez Janinę Studnicką dla Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych (z materiałów z Archiwum Koronnego z AGAD-u oraz sygn.: BK 296, BK 1542) 1
- Translocatio : przeniesienie drewnianych świątyń trzech obrządków / 1
- Translokacja opactwa z Łekna do Wągrowca : materiały z sesji, która odbyła się w Wągrowcu w dniach 20-21 lipca 1996 roku / 1
Viewed records 320501-320520 from 361582