- Treatise on fortification : or Lectures delivered to officers reading for the staff / 1
- Treatise on the 6
- Treatise on the comparative merits of a rifle gun and rotary rocket : considered as a mechanical means of ensuring a correct line of flight to a body impelled through space / 1
- Treatise on the game of chess : 1
- treatise on the game of Chess [...] by D. Pietro Carrera. 2
- treatise on the game of Chess [...]. 2
- treatise on the game of chess by Pietro Carrera : 1
- treatise on the Game of chess, by Gioachino Greco [...] translated from the French [...] by [...]. 1
- treatise on the Royal Game [...]. 1
- Treatise on the Theory of Determinants : with gratuated sets of exercises for use in colleges and schools / 1
- treatise on the transport of sick and wounded troops / 1
- treatise, [...] including directions for playing [...]. 1
- Treatise. 1
- Treatment of byzantine history and civilization in german history textbooks 1
- Trębacz na ratuszu : ballada z XVI wieku w 3 aktach / 1
- Trębacz z Samarkandy i inne opowiadania / 1
- Trebchen der Hohen Königlichen Haupt Banke gehörig, Behufs der Gemeinheitsaufhebung speciel vermessen im Monat Juli und August 1825 durch Schnepell, König. Reg. Feldmess. 1
- Trebchen zur Herrschaft 2
- Trębecki szambelan Poniatowskiego orderu św. Stanisława kawaler 1
- Trěbič : dějiny města. 1 / 1
Viewed records 320801-320820 from 361719