- Wątek wschodniopruski w pracach Hotelu Lambert w latach 1832-1847 1
- Waten: ein Nachlass 1
- Water circulation in the continental climate on example of Northern Mongolia 1
- Water supplay and drainage 1
- Water supply and sewage system in Zakopane 1905-2005 1
- Water supply and waste disposal in cities of the Baltic and Sudeten-Carpatians zones in the 13th-16th centuries 1
- Water supply for villages of Lublin voivodeship 1
- Water transparency observations along the east coast of North America / 1
- Water, preventable disease and filtration / 1
- Waterfalls 1
- Waterloo 2
- Waterloo -Vorlesungen : studien zum Feldzuge von 1815 / 1
- Waterloo 1815 / 1
- Watermark, 1
- Watermarks : mainly of the 17th and 18th centuries / 1
- Watermarks in paper in Holland, England, France, etc., in the XVII and XVIII centuries and their interconnection / 1
- Watermarks in the resources of The State Archives in Olsztyn / 1
- Waters flowing eastward 1
- Watership Down, 1
- Waterworks, 1
Viewed records 338481-338500 from 363816