- Congrès International des sciences historiques, 8. 3
- Congrès International des Sciences Historiques, 9. 2
- Congrès International du Christ-Roi. 1
- Congrès International Ex-libris, 1. 1
- Congrès medical franco-polonais à Varsovie, septembre 1921 : rapports. 1
- Congrès National du Parti des Travailleurs du Viet Nam, 3. 1
- Congrès polonais de philosophie, 2. 1
- Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Historicas, 17 = Congrès International des Sciences Historiques 17e. 1-2 / 1
- Congress 1880. 1
- Congress and its members 1
- Congress des Deutschen Schachbundes zu Leipzig 1879 - Berlin 1881 [...]. 1
- Congress des Deutschen Schachbundes. Nürnberg 1883 [...]. 1
- Congress of Poles in Gt. Britain, 1. 1
- Congress of Polish American Scholars & Scientists, 1. 1
- Congress of the German Chess Association : 1
- Congress reports concerning forestry and forest science in Suomi (Finland) = Suomen metsätaloutta ja metsätiedettä koskevia kongressiesitelmiä. 1
- Congress, seventh 2
- Congressional directory for the Third Session of the Forty-First Congress of the United States of America / 1
- Congressional directory, compiled for the use of Congress : forty-fifth congress, [third session] / 1
- Congresso e Torneo Scacchistico Nazionale Italiano in Livorno (Agosto-Settembre 1878) : 1
Viewed records 68621-68640 from 361719