Bird's Modern Chess and Chess Masterpieces : containing a Collection of the Finest Examples of Chess Play on record during the past Sixty Years, in choice varieties of style, and of the character most calculated to amuse, interest, and instruct.

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  • Sygnatura: Sz. 20111
  • Autor: Bird, Henry Edward (1830-1908)
  • Tytuł: Bird's Modern Chess and Chess Masterpieces : containing a Collection of the Finest Examples of Chess Play on record during the past Sixty Years, in choice varieties of style, and of the character most calculated to amuse, interest, and instruct.
  • Strefa wydania: Olomouc : Publishing House Moravian Chess, 2007.
  • Opis fizyczny: VIII, 196, [3] s. : diagramy ; 21 cm
  • Oprawa: Tektura, 21 w.
  • Hasła przedmiotowe:
    • Szachy historia
    • Szachy nauka
  • Uwagi:
    • Dar Vlastimila Fiali.
    • Reprint wyd. prawdopodobnie z 1887 r.


  • 100 a Bird, Henry Edward d (1830-1908)
  • 245 a Bird's Modern Chess and Chess Masterpieces : b containing a Collection of the Finest Examples of Chess Play on record during the past Sixty Years, in choice varieties of style, and of the character most calculated to amuse, interest, and instruct.
  • 260 a Olomouc : b Publishing House Moravian Chess, c 2007.
  • 300 a VIII, 196, [3] s. : b diagramy ; c 21 cm
  • 340 e Tektura, 21 w.
  • 500 a Dar Vlastimila Fiali.
  • 500 a Reprint wyd. prawdopodobnie z 1887 r.
  • 534 a Bird's Modern Chess and Chess Masterpieces. c London, [1887]. p Reprint.
  • 541 c c d 2007 e 1236 h 20 zł
  • 546 a Ang.
  • 561 w Fiala, Vlastimil
  • 650 a Szachy x historia
  • 650 a Szachy x nauka
  • 852 j Sz. 20111
  • 999 a
  • 999 a MMP d 20.12.07
