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MiniatureTitleAutor (Twórca)Library catalogData
No thumbnailThe Kulturkampf in Prussian Poland /TRZECIAKOWSKI, Lech (1931-2017).Nowe Druki1990.
No thumbnailThe economic reconstruction of Lithuania after 1918 /SIMUTIS, Anicetas.Nowe Druki1942.
No thumbnailColumbia dictionary of modern european literature /Smith, Horatio (1886-1946).Nowe Druki1947.
No thumbnailThe Columbia Encyclopedia /Bridgwater, William.; Kurtz, Seymour.Nowe Druki1963.
No thumbnailNational communism and popular revolt in Eastern Europe : a selection of documents on events in Poland and Hungary, February-November 1956 /Zinner, Paul E.Nowe Druki1957.
No thumbnailTwentieth century Rumania /FISCHER-GALATI, Stephen (1924- ).; Galati, Stephen Fischer- zob. Fischer-Galati, Stephen (1924- )Nowe Druki1970.
No thumbnailThe Union of Lublin Polish federalism in the Golden Age /DEMBKOWSKI, Harry E.Nowe Druki1982.
No thumbnailHistoriographical approaches to medieval colonization of East Central Europe : a comparative anallysis against the background of other european inter-ethnic colonization processes in the Middle Ages /Piskorski, Jan Maria. (1956- )Nowe Druki2002.
No thumbnailPolish National Catholic Church : independent movements, Old Catholic Church and related items : an annotated bibliography /WIELEWIŃSKI, Bernard (1925- ).Nowe Druki1990.
No thumbnailAdam Mickiewicz - poet of Poland : a symposium /Kridl, Manfred (1882-1957).; Krzyżanowski, Ludwik (1906-1986).; Langer, Rulka (1906-1993).; Simmons, Ernest J. (1903-1972).Nowe Druki1951.
No thumbnailThe public library in the United States : the general report of the Public Library Inquiry /LEIGH, Robert D. (1890-1961).Nowe Druki1956.
No thumbnailGerman-Jewish history in modern times. 1780-1871 /BRENNER, Michael (1964- ).; Brown, Allison.; Jersch-Wenzel, Stefi (1937-2013).; Meyer, Michael A. (1937- ).; Wenzel, Stefi Jersch - zob. Jersch-Wenzel, Stefi (1937-2013)Nowe Druki1997.
No thumbnailNapoleon and the szlachta /BLACKBURN, Christopher A.Nowe Druki1998.
No thumbnailAn illustrated history of the herbals /ANDERSON, Frank J. (1912-1994).Nowe Druki1977.
No thumbnailStudies in Medieval Jewish philosophy /EFROS, Israel (1891-1981).Nowe Druki1974.